
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Positively Christian

This post was actually already posted last April 26, 2011 as PositiveThinking Christians – Be One! However, it was mainly for audiences in my home country, so I did some editing for the international readers...

As Christians, do we really have an idea what positive thinking is? A friend of mine claims that they practice a “no negativity” rule at home, and I was almost convinced she knew what she was saying until I heard her conversation with my sister. Honestly, I forgot the beginning part, since I wasn't listening too well. But the ending part sure did get my attention.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Chewing Life One Bite at a Time

The best selling book Chicken Soup for the Soul may have sold over 8 million copies in over 39 languages, and Times magazine called it “the publishing phenomenon of the decade,” but did you know that it was less of a publishing phenomenon and more of a phenomenon of persistent effort..? Thousands of individual activities by authors Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen added to that one large success of the book.

Friday, June 24, 2011

What You Should Know About Paradigm and Sharing the Gospel

Paradigms are interesting, two people can see and experience exactly the same thing but will have two completely different interpretations of it. Our own paradigm makes us see the world not as it is, but as how were conditioned to see it. It's brought about by our past experiences and our own set of principles.

Just last night as I was riding a jeepney1 home, and when almost all the streets were flooded because of the heavy rain, a lady was knocking repeatedly on the roof of our vehicle to signal the driver that it's her stop and that she wanted to go down. However, we were right in the middle of an intersection of two major roads, and traffic was heavy.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

How a Strange Dream Struck Reality – by Rianne Kee

It was a week when I wasn't sleeping too well. My pillow seemed to be wanting to go everywhere except under my head, and my entire body wanted to just slip off my bed even when it's size is enough for my five feet five inches frame. Whenever I finally do get some sleep, I would wake up within an hour or two thanks to Canada's cold weather.

On the night of this year's April 21st... I had a strong urge to sing to God, which was something that never happened to me before... There was something entirely different that time.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Last Night was Tempting but I Kept a Good Reputation for God

Well the title is may be a bit controversial, but read on anyway to find out why...

Last night, I met up with two lady friends of mine whom I haven't seen for a while, and after a long chat, we bode farewell to each other and went our separate ways... Well, one of us went her separate way because the other hitched a ride with me.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

In the Father's Eyes - Remembering How Dad Brought Out the Best in Us

When we were young, remember how somehow we performed better in sports or anything we did when dad was there cheering us on? Somehow we get that sudden surge of energy or intellect or even talent just because we know dad is watching.

I would like to share a touching story I got from about a skinny young boy who loved football with all his heart. Practice after practice, he eagerly gave everything he had. But being half the size of the other boys, he got absolutely nowhere. At all the games, this hopeful athlete sat on the bench and hardly ever played.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Enviously Inspiring - by Johanna Tacus

“And I saw that all toil and all achievement spring from one person’s envy of another. This too is meaningless, a chasing after the wind.” -- Ecclesiastes 4:4

When I read this verse, I reflected on my goals and on the general direction of my life. Did I truly want to achieve these things, or was it because I saw someone else do it, and then I wanted to do it too? Which desires can I point out as my own, and which ones were there just because I envied someone else?

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

For Jesus had Bad Days too

A few hours ago from writing this, I found myself indulging in memories of past hurts and wrongs done to me and so accused God of being unfair. I began questioning why He allowed such things to happen and became impatient as to the rate of my purpose's revelation. I would have gone on and on about it when I remembered something Nick Vujicic said, that “There is a greater purpose for each and every storm in our lives.”

How could I have so easily forgotten when I even wrote about it on a recent post? I soon felt calmness spread through me and asked God to forgive my recent drama - It was a bad case of self pity.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Buy a Lottery Ticket - by Maybelline Ting

Re-posted from 

As Christians, we tend to use the words faith and God's will a lot to mask our true reasons for staying in our comfort zone, when in fact what keeps us from moving forward is just plain laziness or cowardice. I love my sister's take on the subject of faith accompanied by action. 

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's all in the RISK

From the moment we wanted to learn, we took risks... Like the time we first walked, we took risks falling down. And every time we landed on our butt, we stood up, walked some more, and risked falling down again.

What happened to us since then? Are we really that much wiser now by avoiding risks, when in fact it's already all around us? We risk getting hurt when we get into a relationship, we risk losing money when we do business, and we risk getting ran over when we cross the street. Heck, we even risk choking when we eat!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Apocalyptic Predictions and How They're Shaping People's Hearts - by Aileen Sy

 A common question we ask as Christians is this: If people already know what will happen during the end times, and how they might be contributing to its fulfillment, can they choose to change their decisions and thus change the course of our destiny?  For example, if the Antichrist knows that there will be an Antichrist who