
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's all in the RISK

From the moment we wanted to learn, we took risks... Like the time we first walked, we took risks falling down. And every time we landed on our butt, we stood up, walked some more, and risked falling down again.

What happened to us since then? Are we really that much wiser now by avoiding risks, when in fact it's already all around us? We risk getting hurt when we get into a relationship, we risk losing money when we do business, and we risk getting ran over when we cross the street. Heck, we even risk choking when we eat!

In Luke Chapter 5:1-11, Peter also took a risk when he followed Jesus to set out into deeper water, and by doing so caught a very large number of fish that his nets could not hold them.

Where has our sense of adventure gone? Peter had to leave solid ground to get to the deeper part of the lake. We, on the other hand, have to let go of something to get to somewhere. Sadly though, most of us are too busy holding on to point A to be able to reach out to point B.

Choose one point. You don't have to all of a sudden let go, but a time will come when we definitely have to give up one point so we can get to another. Just like in baseball, when you have to step off one base to advance to the next - once you let go of the position, there's no guarantee you won't get tagged out. But you risk stepping off anyway, because what you want is to get to the home run.

There is a Chinese proverb that translates to “One pair of feet standing on two boats.” Which means that you cannot stand on two boats, lest you risk falling into the water.

When you think about it, risk isn't really that bad, it's just a matter of managing it.

Like when you cross the street, there is risk involved. But you minimize it by looking both ways before crossing, following the street signs and paying attention to the traffic lights (which only functions as suggestive devices in Manila – I suggest you don't cross when I say DON'T WALK but it's up to you).

In life, one of the best risk management tool I know is called common sense – and I am sorry to say this, but it is really not common. If you know there's a ditch, you probably wouldn't jump, right? If a car is speeding your way, you wouldn't cross just yet, would you? Also pray... All the common sense in the world is nothing without God's guidance.

Risk is really about not knowing what will happen, but if you're being driven by something worth it, why not just pray and take a leap of faith? You'll never know the outcome by not trying anyway, and falling along the way is still better than not knowing what could have happened. So take a walk, cross the street! What you want may just be a step away from your comfort zone.

God bless!

I value additional insights and feed back, your comments are appreciated.


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