Make a change! Make it happen. What is holding your back? What is the worst thing that could happen…it doesn’t work? You try it and it wasn’t what you expected! You learn from it!
What is the best thing that could happen if you make the change…it works and you catapult yourself into a whole new place in life. Perhaps you will experience rewarding results that open up a whole new world of possibilities. Or, perhaps you will just experience something new to talk about.
“Change” can stir your creativity, expand your interest, and even open your life to greatness. It can be one of the most liberating moves you make! Especially, if you've been slowly declining in your current position. Making a bold move…taking charge of what God has given you is way more powerful than just settling for the same old thing. Change is not easy, but it’s much more powerful than beating your old tired ways deeper into existence.
Change can be as simple as getting help…reaching out in a way that opens up your mind and heart to fresh ideas and new solutions to life. It can be as simple as attending that conference or High School Reunion and meeting someone that changes your life for the better. Change can mean putting into action that one thing you keep dreaming of that could fuel a passionate, creative drive within. It can mean taking a bold step in your business or personal life that could change your momentum and propel you forward.
If things aren’t working, if life is feeling stale, if you feel like you're moving backward, instead of progressing forward introduce yourself to something new. Start the journey of making some changes…of stirring things up! Move outside your comfort zone!
Recently for our Friday night date, Tom (my man) and I detoured outside of our normal territory of restaurants. We stumbled on a place we had not eaten at before in Nashville and enjoyed a superb meal…one that we will definitely venture back to enjoy (Ooo..I can taste it now!) Just that one little change can open up your taste buds for experiencing the delights of something new…something out of the ordinary. AND NO, it isn’t wrong to want to experience new tastes…new delights. Even in our relationships with God, with family, with friends we need to introduce change…introduce fresh ideas for engaging and experiencing life together. Keep it fresh! Change it up! A little spice in life can’t hurt.
Consider these simple changes that could add new flavor…new possibilities in life:
- Eat at a new restaurant…try a new dish or cook a new recipe.
- Take a class! Cooking, painting, photography…just something new! Recently at church, a lady (in her 50’s) shared that she was taking piano lessons. It was on her bucket list to learn to play the piano…and….she loves it!
- Attend your High School Reunion (My brother did this, met his “now” wife after being single for most of his life…he is in his 50’s. He almost didn’t go……)
- Move your furniture around. We just did this in our master bedroom and love it! We wonder why we didn’t do it sooner.
- Change jobs…change careers! If things aren’t working where you’re at, why keep trying to force it? Make a change! Find a place where you can flourish into the person God created you to be. It could be, God is waiting on you to make a change into what He has waiting for you. By the way, I’m not suggesting you do this without much prayer and careful consideration. Just shake it up.
- Make new friends! Invite a new couple over for dinner or invite a new acquaintance to lunch. Invite them to share their story with you. I’m not telling you to discard your old friends, but perhaps engaging with new people can stir new interest.
- Take a day trip and visit a new area. Tom and I explored an area close to us this past Saturday and discovered wonderful new treasures and opportunities. You never know what is waiting for you. It could be the answer to that dream you’ve always had.
- Write your book! Start your company! What is that big dream you are secretly holding on to? Find a way to make it happen!!! Take the first step!
- Mark something off your bucket list! What's on your list that you keep putting off because it will stretch you…it will move you outside your comfort zone? It is probably the thing that stirs up the jitters within you…ok…the fear! Do it!!!
- Take your quiet time with God outside. Enjoy being in the presence of God sitting in the beauty of His creation. “Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him.” Psa. 34.8 (NIV)
OK…so my list is getting a little long. It’s just that I’ve been experiencing some new changes in my life…changes that needed to be made and I can’t tell you how much I am enjoying them. It’s the “life coach” in me…wanting you to embrace this God given life fully—exuberating every ounce of sweetness out of it that you possibly can!!!